Manny Sethi Calls for Tennessee Legislature to Back Congressional Term Limits


Manny Sethi, orthopedic trauma surgeon and former candidate for U.S. Senate, urged the Tennessee State Legislature to fully support congressional term limits.

In an opinion piece written in The Tennessean, Sethi argued that unlimited terms allow career politicians to gather support from establishment figures and run with limited competition.

Sethi says, “Term limits create regular, competitive elections in every congressional district. There would be no more establishment incumbents coasting back into office over decades without facing serious electoral competition.”

Further, Sethi argues that allowing politicians to remain in office for decades benefits career politicians more than voters.

“Term limits sever the cozy long-term, and well-funded, relationships between special interests and statistically unbeatable incumbents. The threat of losing influence is why lobbyists are one of the only identifiable subsets of voters who oppose this popular reform,” he continued. “Term limits discourage corruption. Corruption is highly correlated with tenure as long tenure, particularly without serious electoral competition, encourages hubris and provides greater power and opportunity to manipulate the system for one’s own benefit.”

Sethi’s solution is for the Tennessee State Legislature to pass a resolution calling for a Term Limits Convention. In doing so, he argued, Tennessee would join multiple other states and apply pressure for change in Washington D.C.

The Term Limits Convention would be a national convention to propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution limited to the subject of Congressional term limits.

The Tennessee House of Representatives passed a similar resolution earlier this year, but the senate has yet to act.

Sethi has been consistent in his support for term limits. During his campaign, Sethi promised to serve no more than two terms and support a constitutional amendment to enact official term limits.

Among Tennesseans, term limits for members of Congress are widely popular. According to a poll, almost 80% of Tennesseans — across all political ideologies — support the concept. However, Congress has yet to meaningfully consider any legislation.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for the Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Manny Sethi” by Manny Sethi.






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3 Thoughts to “Manny Sethi Calls for Tennessee Legislature to Back Congressional Term Limits”

  1. Ron W

    Yes, to term limits!

    And codify this to constrain entrenched elected officials:

    “Congress can make no law which will not have its full operation on themselves and their friends, as well as on the great mass of the society.”
    — James Madison, The Federalist Papers, No. 57.

  2. Trevor

    Dr manny please primary Senator Marsha Blackburn! You will term limit her in the primary! Marsha what have you done for Tennesseans since you have been office since 2003? What have you done to build a strong GOP party in Davidson county? You are a swamp creature and need to resign!

  3. Karen

    I agree with you Dr Manny! Please primary RINO/Warmonger Marsha Blackburn! She broke her promise to Tennesseans to support President Trump and election integrity act with Senators Cruz and Hawley! Marsha chose the DC swamp and Mitch McConnell over her Tennesseans! The last time I checked Mitch McConnell does not have a vote in Tennessee! Dr Manny you are spot on about term limits, Marsha Blackburn has been in Washington since 2003! She has supported raising the national debt, She has not sponsored any meaningful legislation to help us Tennesseans have a better life! I support you to primary Marsha! All the Trump vote is aware Marsha broke her promise to support Trump and Tennesseans! Primary Marsha will be the best term limit!
